Sectors / Category

Annual turnover

  • Mandate: 36430
  • Added: 09 Feb 2024
  • AFS
  • 1409

Wellknown Work From Home Renovation and Maintenance

Western Cape, Helderberg & Winelands
Mandate 36430
Added 09 Feb 2024
R 749,000* ZAR
Stock: R 5,000
Assets: R 150,000
R 34,787 ZAR
Pieter De Beer
Aldes Impetus
Western Cape, Cape Town
Western Cape, Cape Town

This business is operating in the Helderberg. Ideal buyer someone who loves building work, renovations and maintenance with an eye for detail

Wellknown Work From Home Renovation and Maintenance
R 749,000* ZAR
Stock: R5,000
Assets: R150,000
R 34,787 ZAR

This business is operating in the Helderberg. Ideal buyer someone who loves building work, renovations and maintenance with an eye for detail

To gain access to more business info
please supply us with your details below

Fully describe the business's activities?
The Seller of this Business has been in Building Construction since 1984 together with a very well-known tile business in Mpumalanga.
These businesses was sold when deciding to move to Western Cape.
In 2009 the Seller started a Maintenance and Renovation Company from his home in the Helderberg.

The clients are normal clients but good relationships are in place with Body Corporates as well as Real Estate Agents.

The owner uses subcontractors when need that he knows and trusts.

In essence:
- The owner received leads through the fact that he is well-known
- He then quotes on the renovation and plans the project with the client
- He gets his own workers in and also has a good foreman that he then appoints for the project
- Where needed he outsources ( electrical etc )

How long has the business been established?
Prior to 2009 but in Business for many years

How long has the owner had the business?
14 years +

How does the business operate on a daily basis?
The owner goes out to do Quotations and as soon as those are approved, he puts sub-contractors in place and organizes whatever is needed to complete the job.
He does regular site visits, on-site to keep an eye on all the work.

How are the clients attracted to the business?
By mouth. The Business has never advertised.
Although this could help grow and it can benefit the business.
The workload current is what the owner can handle.

What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?
None at the moment. Only the vehicles that are Branded.

Does the business have any contract work?
No but good, longstanding relationships are in place.

What are the seasonal trends?
The Business does close during the Builders holiday but this is not needed.

Is the business VAT Registered?

Are there up-to-date Management Accounts available?

What Balance Sheet and Income Statements are available?
For last 3 years

What percentage of the business is cash/credit?
90% Cash
Always take Deposit before work commence.

What is the age analysis of the debtors book?
If so - 30days

How could the profitability of the business be improved?
By Advertising

Is Seller finance available and for what amount?
To be discussed. Seller to consult which could be used as a structure for part of the acquistion amount.

What is the total staff complement?
This work-from-home business has No fixed employees.

No work - no pay.

Building approx 6 laborers
Painters approx 4 laborers

Use some of the more reliable guys as supervisors.

How involved is the Owner in running the business?
Qoutes and site visits

When does the current lease end?
+- 15sqm needed for storage

What are the trading hours?
8H00 - 16H00

What are the main assets of the business?
Mostly small assets and tools.
One work vehicle - Pajero 1998 SUV

How have they been valued ?
Second Hand Value

Been in Business for many years.
Very good References


Can build the business because of the need in the market.
People can afford to renovate and Maintenance is always necessary to keep a building in a good condition

What is the reason for the sale?
The owner wants to purchase a property, live in it, fix it up and sell it. He is at retirement age.
He does not want to run daily renovation and maintenance projects.

His children is abroad and wants to be loose to visit when they can and want.

Why is this a good business?
This type of business is always in demand.
More and more houses are being built and people cannot handle the maintenance themselves.

The Owner is willing to hand over, over 3 months and also assist in the future as a consultant to the Business.

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Aldes Impetus

4 members
20 mandates
Western Cape , Cape Town
Cape Town, Western Cape
Cape Town

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